The European Association for Banking and Financial History (EABH), in co-operation with BNP Paribas and Banque Lombard Odier, will hold a workshop on "Appraisal in the Digital Era" on June 22, 2017, in Paris, France.
The one-day workshop is designed for archivists, records managers, and information professionals of financial and public institutions, as well as researchers and users of digital archival material. According to the organizers,
The workshop committee (Carmen Hofmann [EABH], Roger Nougaret [BNP Paribas], Hrvoje Stancic [University of Zagreb], Ines van Dijk [De Nederlandsche Bank], and Gabriella Massaglia [EABH]) invites proposals from record managers, archivists, tool developers and information professionals. Submissions describing goals, results and evaluations of ongoing or already implemented projects in the field are particularly welcome. Submissions (a short CV and an abstract of around 500 words) should be sent to no later than January 15, 2017.
Please consult the full call for papers for additional information.
The one-day workshop is designed for archivists, records managers, and information professionals of financial and public institutions, as well as researchers and users of digital archival material. According to the organizers,
The amount of official and unofficial digital records that financial and public organisations produce on a daily basis is monumental. Accurate appraisal of digital records is an integral part of modern day business in general - not only for financial institutions. Accessibility, timely retrieval of crucial documents, contextual understanding and cost savings are only some of the benefits of high quality appraisal policies.
Please consult the full call for papers for additional information.