The Economic History Society has launched a new blog, called
"The Long Run." According to the editors,
The aim of the blog is to encourage discussion of economic and social history – broadly defined. The blog is part of the Society’s evolving strategy to, one the one hand, strengthen ties among its members and, on the other hand, broaden the public appeal of economic and social history while increasing the impact of its members’ research by making it relevant to contemporary policy debates.
The blog will also publicize abstracts of articles in the
Economic History Review; the editors will select one article from those advertised as forthcoming from each issue that has appeal to a wider audience and approach a specialist to review this article. This review will also appear on the
NEP-HIS blog – publication of which will be timed to coincide with publication of the article in the
Review. For information about posting to the blog, please see
here; submissions can be sent to the editors via email at