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Showing posts from November, 2020

AIB Virtual workshop: Doing Research During COVID: Adapting Your Research Design and Methods

Organizer: AIB Research Methodology Shared Interest Group (Facebook | Twitter) Theme: Doing Research During COVID: Adapting Your Research Design and Methods Time: December 3, 9am New York, 2pm London, 3pm Berlin, 10pm Hong Kong Registration Deadline: December 1, 2020 Overview: COVID-19 has disrupted all aspects of life, including research projects. This webinar is an opportunity for researchers at all career stages to consider ways to adapt their research designs and methods to respond to these conditions. The panelists will cover a variety of research methods, including qualitative fieldwork, experiments and survey research. As well as offering brief presentations from panelists, the webinar will be an opportunity for participants to exchange their knowledge and experiences. Participants will also be directed to resources that will assist them in adapting their research projects during the pandemic period. Key Topics: Ways of adapting fieldwork to pandemic conditions Considerations fo...

The first BHC and ASLH Anne Fleming Article Prize will be awarded in 2022 for an article published in 2020 and 2021

The first BHC and ASLH Anne Fleming Article Prize will be awarded in 2022 for an article published in 2020 and 2021. 

Call for applications for PhD on Women and Work in the City of London, 1870-1970

Women and Work in the City of London, 1870-1970 Supervisory team: Rowena Olegario (Faculty of History, University of Oxford) and Clara Harrow (Head Archivist, Baring Archive Ltd.) Applications are invited for an Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP-funded Collaborative Doctoral Award at the University of Oxford, in partnership with the Baring Archive Ltd. The deadline is January 8th, 2021, for a  starting date of October 2021. Working primarily with the Baring Archiveā€™s historical personnel files, this project seeks to understand the characteristics of the women who sought white-collar employment in the financial sector from 1873 to the 1960s. Past scholarship on women in the City of London has focused on female investors, or individual women executives at the very top of their organisations. Despite the impressive surge in scholarship on the history of working women in Britain, the topic of female white-collar workers in the financial sector remains under-researched. We are also concern...

Call for Papers: EHA 2021: Rules, Organizations, and Governments: Institutions and Economic History

Annual Meeting of the Economic History Association in Tucson, Arizona, September 10-12, 2021 The theme for EHA 2021 is ā€œRules, Organizations, and Governments: Institutions and Economic History.ā€ Over the last two and a half centuries the economies of the world have dramatically transformed. Part of these transformations occurred in and resulted from technology, demography, and markets. Part of these transformations occurred in and resulted from institutions. The way societies organize themselves, in both public and private spheres, exhibits marked patterns across the range of developed and developing nations. While we know what the patterns are, as economic historians and social scientists generally, we have struggled to understand how the patterns developed or how we might induce the patterns of developed societies in developing (or undeveloped) societies. The program committee calls for papers that take a more granular approach to questions related to institutions, collective decisio...

Convocatoria de presentaciones: Colectivo de Historia Empresarial, febrero-mayo 2021

El Colectivo de Historia Empresarial surgiĆ³ en mayo de 2020 como una iniciativa de historiadores econĆ³micos, empresariales y financieros de Europa y las AmĆ©ricas. El Colectivo provee un espacio para presentar trabajos en historia econĆ³mica, empresarial y financiera, a travĆ©s de una serie de webinars iniciada en junio 2020. Los webinars estĆ”n abiertos a todos los miembros de estos campos de investigaciĆ³n dispuestos a proveer comentarios constructivos. El Colectivo busca apoyar a jĆ³venes investigadores. Creemos en la necesidad de promover diversidad e inclusiĆ³n en nuestra comunidad, e invitamos a mujeres, miembros de grupos minoritarios, y gente en disciplinas fuera de la economĆ­a y la historia a participar en la serie de webinars. En agosto de 2020, el Colectivo lanzĆ³ una iniciativa para apoyar a la comunidad de historiadores econĆ³micos, empresariales y financieros en AmĆ©rica Latina y la PenĆ­nsula IbĆ©rica, con webinars en espaƱol, portuguĆ©s e inglĆ©s. Convocatoria de sesiones para febrer...

Call for Submissions: Business History Collective and the webinar series

Call for Submissions: Business History Collective and the webinar series The network aims to promote scholarship in the fields of business history, management history, organizational history, corporate history, and other related fields. The network will launch the Spring 2021 webinar series to provide a space for the presentation and discussion of works in progress, dissertation chapters, or R&R manuscripts. The webinars are open to scholars primarily from a qualitative perspective, willing to engage in productive conversations by providing supportive and constructive comments to peers. We are currently looking for presenters and attendees to get things moving forward. We especially welcome submissions from graduate students and early-career researchers. We strongly encourage women, people of color, members of minority groups, scholars based in or working on under-represented geographies (such as Latin America, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia), and schola...

New Job Vacancy: Kranzberg Professorship in the History of Technology

The School of History and Sociology at Georgia Tech invites applications for the Melvin Kranzberg Professorship in the History of Technology . Melvin Kranzberg was one of the principal founders of the history of technology as an academic field in the United States. The faculty member will teach four courses per academic year. Successful candidates will be eligible for hire as associate or full professor. Faculty rank will be commensurate with experience and accomplishments. The position is open to scholars in any subfield of the history of technology. Candidates with transnational or global interests, or who study areas outside the United States, are especially encouraged to apply. Review of applications will begin January 1 and will continue until the position is filled. The position will begin in August 2021. Members of historically underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. Candidates should possess a demonstrable international reputation in the history of technology...

Virtual event: Koji Yamamoto "Taming Capitalism before its Triumph's (2018)" book discussion

Join historians and social scientists to discuss a recent book on the history of capitalism: Koji Yamamoto, Taming Capitalism before its Triumph (2018) . Tuesday 17 November 2020 : Chicago  07:00 CST || New York 08:00 EST || London 13:00 GMT || Hong Kong 21:00 HKT || Tokyo 22:00 JST  About this Event The history of capitalism has seen a renaissance over the last decade, but relatively fewer works have focused on its early phases, including the early modern period in which England began evolving into the ā€˜first industrial nationā€™. Koji Yamamotoā€™s book Taming Capitalism before its Triumph: Distrust, Public Service, and ā€œProjectingā€ in Early Modern England (Oxford, 2018) offers a fresh reappraisal. This online symposium brings together renowned scholars from across medieval history, early modern history, historical sociology and political science to discuss the book. Registration:  Free advance registration is required here . Provisional Programme Opening Remarks Wenkai He...

A free week-long webinar series by the Smithsonianā€™s Lemelson Center, November 16-20, 2020

Black Inventors and Innovators: New Perspectives A free week-long webinar series Convened by the   Smithsonianā€™s Lemelson Center November 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, 2020 | 1:00-2:30pm ET daily   Registration:   Details:       The Smithsonianā€™s   Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation   invites you to attend our upcoming webinar series,   Black Inventors and Innovators: New Perspectives . The program is free and open to the public and will convene daily November 16ā€“20, 2020 from 1:00-2:30pm ET.   This week-long program will draw renewed attention to historic and contemporary inventors of color and Black technology consumers, while discussing strategies for building a more equitable innovation ecosystem. Through presentations by an interdisciplinary group of thoug...

Three more days to submit your proposal for the #BHC2021online || Tres dƭas mƔs para mandar sus propuestas para la #BHC2021online Annual Meeting of the Business History Conference;  Virtual meeting,  March 11-13, 2021   Proposals due November 14, 2020  The originally agreed theme of ā€˜The Ubiquity of Businessā€™ has been dropped. Instead, a new theme ā€˜Business History: Building for the Futureā€™ has been developed. This yearā€™s BHC annual meeting will be unlike any previous annual meeting as it will be a virtual one.  *** El congreso de la Business History Conference de 2021 se realizarĆ” de manera virtual. El tema del congreso serĆ” ā€œHistoria empresarial: construyendo para el futuroā€ y se celebrarĆ” del 11 al 13 de marzo de 2021.  La fecha lĆ­mite de envĆ­o de propuestas es el 14 de noviembre de 2020. La convocatoria de ponencias en espaƱol estĆ” disponible aquĆ­ .

Convocatoria de ponencias [en espaƱol]: Business History Conference, congreso virtual en marzo 2021 El congreso de la Business History Conference de 2021 se realizarĆ” de manera virtual. El tema del congreso serĆ” ā€œHistoria empresarial: construyendo para el futuroā€ y se celebrarĆ” del 11 al 13 de marzo de 2021. La fecha lĆ­mite de envĆ­o de propuestas es el 14 de noviembre de 2020. El ComitĆ© de Historia de Empresas en AmĆ©rica Latina (Committee on Latin American Business History), que se creĆ³ en 2019 para promover la participaciĆ³n de investigadores de AmĆ©rica Latina y la PenĆ­nsula IbĆ©rica en la Business History Conference, ha traducido la convocatoria de la #BHC2021online para invitar a que se envĆ­en propuestas en espaƱol y portuguĆ©s. El comitĆ© lo coordina Andrea Lluch (Conicet, Argentina, and Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) e incluye a Gustavo del Ɓngel Mobarak (Centro de InvestigaciĆ³n y Docencia EconĆ³micas, MĆ©xico), Manuel A. Bautista GonzĆ”lez (Columbia University in the City of New York, USA), Rory Miller (University of Liverpool, United K...

Call for Papers: 2021 Online Meeting of the Economic History Society

The Economic History Society has decided to hold its 2021 conference in a virtual format. The conference will shift from its current dates (9-11 April) to 6 ā€“ 9 April 2021, and will be held in the afternoon (UK time). This will facilitate international participation, and prevent Zoom fatigue. Since the conference will now be a virtual one, we want to reissue the Call for Academic Papers and Sessions. We especially welcome papers from people who are not normally able to attend the conference. Papers should please be submitted, by 16 November , via the link at: The Call for New Researcher Papers is now closed, but there is also an open call for New Researcher Posters, due by 23 November . Rather than trying to replicate a traditional poster session in a virtual setting, students will be asked to record 3-minute videos about their research, speaking to slides. Then each student will have a designated window in the programme for delegates to drop by (via...

Upcoming webinar [in Spanish]: Estrategias empresariales en el Valle del Cauca (Colombia)

Estrategias empresariales en el Valle del Cauca (Colombia). Date: 11/11/2020 @ 10.00 am BogotĆ” Presentadores:  Ma. Fernanda Erazo (Universidad Veracruzana) Sonia Jaimes (Icesi)  Julio Zuluaga (Universidad Javeriana de Cali) Moderador: Daniel Moyano (CONICET y Universidad Nacional de TucumĆ”n) MĆ”s informaciĆ³n sobre este y futuros seminarios


HENRY BELIN DU PONT DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIPS Henry Belin du Pont Dissertation Fellowships are designed for graduate students who have completed all course work for the doctoral degree and are conducting research on their dissertation. We invite applications from Ph.D. candidates whose research on important historical questions would benefit from use of Hagley's research collections. Applications should demonstrate superior intellectual quality, present a persuasive methodology for the project, and show that there are significant research materials at Hagley pertinent to the dissertation. Use of Hagley's collections may take place prior to application for the dissertation fellowship. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Hagley staff prior to submitting their dossier. This is a residential fellowship with a term of four months. The fellowship provides $6,500, free housing on Hagley's grounds, use of a computer, mail and internet access, and an office. ...

#BHC2021online: One more week to send your proposals!

Annual Meeting of the Business History Conference  Virtual meeting  March 11-13, 2021  Proposals due November 14, 2020  The originally agreed theme of ā€˜The Ubiquity of Businessā€™ has been dropped. Instead, a new theme ā€˜Business History: Building for the Futureā€™ has been developed. This yearā€™s BHC annual meeting will be unlike any previous annual meeting as it will be a virtual one. It is hoped that this is only a temporary interlude from the standard get-togethers which we all value so much. However, it also provides an opportunity to be innovative. Four principles underpin our hopes for the annual meeting:  1. To assist graduate students and emerging scholars as a priority.  2. To make the conference as interactive as possible.  3. To regard the meeting as an opportunity to be experimental and radical.  4. To be as inclusive as is possible.  To achieve these goals the Program Committee have agreed the following in relaunching the call for pap...

Call for Applications: Patrick Henry Fellowship 2021-2022

The Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience invites applications for its full-time residential writing fellowship, which supports outstanding writing on American history and culture by both scholars and nonacademic authors. The Centerā€™s Patrick Henry Fellowship includes a $45,000 stipend, health benefits, faculty privileges, a book allowance, and a nine-month residency (during the academic year 2021-2022) in a historic 18th-century house in Chestertown, Md. Applicants should have a significant project currently in progress ā€” a book, film, oral history archive, podcast series, museum exhibition, or similar work. The project should address the history and/or legacy ā€“ broadly defined ā€“ of the U.S. founding era and/or the nationā€™s founding ideas. It might focus directly on early America, or on the myriad ways the questions that preoccupied the nationā€™s founding generation have shaped Americaā€™s later history. Work that contributes to ongoing national conversations about Ameri...