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Business History at Management Conferences

With thanks to Andrew Smith, over at "The Past Speaks," a rundown of business history sessions at the recent Academy of Management meeting and the upcoming British Academy of Management conference:

Academy of Management
[links are to session abstracts]
Program Session 142
Historical Approaches to Management and Organization Studies: Sources and MethodsHistory & Organization Studies
Coordinator: R. Daniel Wadhwani; University of the Pacific
Facilitator: Marcelo Bucheli; U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Speakers: JoAnne Yates; MIT Sloan; Steven Kahl; Dartmouth College; David A. Kirsch; University of Maryland; Michael Rowlinson; Queen Mary University of London
Program Session 225
New Tools for Old Data: Data Visualization
Organizer: James M Wilson, University of Glasgow
Program Session 855
Economics Lessons from History
Chair: John Norman Davis; Hardin Simmons University
“ 'Results of the Decade’ and Bond Rating Stability During the U.S. Great Depression" 
John Donnellan, New Jersey City University and Berry Wilson, Pace University  
“The New Deal for Management & Organization Studies: Lessons, Insights and Reflections"
Albert J. Mills, Saint Mary’s University; Terrance G. Weatherbee, Acadia University; Jason Foster, Athabasca University; Jean Helms Mills, Saint Mary’s University
“The 2008 Financial Crisis: A Historical Rethinking of a Predictable Evolutionary Disaster”
Michael G. Jacobides, London Business School
Program Session #: 1706
Learning from a Re-Examination of the Past
Chair: Matthew Sargent; California Institute of Technology
“Integrating Libertarian Paternalism into Paternalistic Leadership: H.J. Heinz as Choice Architect”
John Humphreys, Brandon Randolph-Seng, and Stephanie Pane Haden, Texas A&M University-Commerce; Milorad M. Novicevic; University of Mississippi
“Contributions of Lillian M. Gilbreth to Management Theory through the Context of Critical Biography”
Jane Whitney Gibson, Nova Southeastern University; Russell W. Clayton, Saint Leo University; Jackie W. Deem, Kaplan University; Jacqueline Einstein, Nova Southeastern University; Erin Henry, Harvard University
“Management as Fantasy: The Managerial work of Catherine Cappe and Faith Gray, 1782-1820”
Linda Perriton, University of York
“Genesis of Management Thought: Comparison between Early American & British-Indian Railroads”
K.V. Mukundhan, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode
The full Academy of Management program can be found here.

British Academy of Management
Management and Business History Track
Track Chair: Kevin Tennent
WED 09:00 – 10:30
Session Chair: Kevin Tennent
“The Medellin Tram System, 1919-1950"
Juan Santiago Correa
“Management Theories and Its Application in Organisations: The Nigerian Experience”
Adeniyi Damilola Olarewaju
“The Evolution and Scaling-Up of Solar PV in Ghana, 1980-2010”
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
WED 11:00 – 12:30
Session Chairs: Julie Bower and John Wilson
“Gendered Organizing: An Ethnohistory of Women at Work”
Smitha Sebastian, Alison Hirst, and Simon Down
“Retail Marketing Events as Tourist Attractions – Case Study Hanningtons Department Store, Brighton 1927-1936”
Susan Jane Bishop
“Entrepreneurship and Business Charisma”
Bernard Mees
“Between Organization Theory and Historical Methodology: A Possible Exit from the Theoretical Impasse for Business Historians”
Andrew Smith
WED 16:00 – 17:00
Session Chair: Bill Cooke
“Coming to Terms with the Past? Narrative, Metaphor and the Subjective Understanding of  Transition”
Mairi Maclean and Charles Harvey
“Strategies of Dominance and Tactics of Resistance: Twice Narrating the History of Music Retail”
Kevin D. Tennent and Simon Mollan
THURS 09:00 – 10:30
Session Chair: Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
“The Structure of Networks: The Transformation of UK Business, 1904 – 2010”
John F. Wilson and Gerhard Schnyder
“Western Debates about Entrepreneurship in China, 1842-1914, and the Origins of the “European School” of Entrepreneurship Studies” Andrew Smith

“Speculation and Accumulation: Entrepreneurs and Their Strategies from the Medieval to the Modern Period”
Catherine Casson
THURS 14:00 – 15:30
Session Chair: Kevin Tennent
“At the Nexus of Politics, Praetorianism and Enterprise: The Fauji Business Group, Pakistan”
Ashiq Ali Jhatial, James Wallace, and Nelarine Cornelius
“Employment Tribunals: A Historical Perspective”
Jonathan David Lord and Dave Redfern
“What Was the Whitbread Umbrella Protecting? From Brewing to Coffee via Pub Retailing”
Julie Bower
The full BAM program is available here.

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