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Over the Counter: Issue No. 28

In this edition of "Over the Counter":
A Junto post by Tom Cutterham, "Women and the History of Capitalism," highlights the essays by Ellen Hartigan O'Connor and Amy Dru Stanley in the Summer 2016 Journal of the Early Republic forum on women's history in the early Republic.

Among Warwick Digital Collections, a number of relevant series: "LEO--The World's First Business Computer"; digitized Railway Review from the 1880s and 1890s; and "Sales Catalogues of the Swedish East India Company" (in Swedish, but with an English-language discussion here).

The Messynessy blog posted an article on "Working in the Paris Fashion Industry 100 Years Ago," with many illustrations from Les Créateurs de la Mode (1910); the full text of that publication is available digitally as well from the Internet Archive.

The "Library and Archives Canada" blog features a colorful poster set from the Empire Marketing Board.

Roger Horowitz and his recent book, Kosher USA: How Coke Became Kosher and Other Tales of Modern Food, were featured on a recent Gastropod podcast; a written transcript is also provided.
    Which led us to another Gastropod episode of interest: "Outside the Box: The Story of Food Packaging," featuring the authors of Packaged Pleasures: How Technology and Marketing Revolutionized Desire, Gary Cross and Robert Proctor. 

Continuing with podcasts, BackStory Radio presented "Another Man's Treasure: A History of Trash"; among the guests interviewed were Bart Elmore, who explained how big business lies behind early efforts to encourage Americans to recycle, and Carl Zimring, who talked about the scrap metal trade in the late nineteenth century. Transcripts can be found on the segment websites.

For those in the Virginia area, the Jamestown Settlement is running a special program from June through December 10, 2016: "Bartering for a Continent: How Anglo-Indian Trade Shaped America."

Duke University's Hartman Center recently acquired sixteen trade cards for brands of soap, designed by Charlotte Perkins Gilman; examples are featured on the Rubenstein Library's blog.

In honor of its 350th anniversary in 2015, the Saint-Gobain group has created an interesting website featuring key moments in the company's history. (The link here is to the English-language version.) Other segments of the anniversary "Expo" may be accessed here.

University of Pennsylvania professor Sarah Barringer Gordon’s essay “The African Supplement: Religion, Race, and Corporate Law in Early National America” has been awarded the 2016 Lester J. Cappon Prize, which honors the best article published in the William and Mary Quarterly in the previous year. The article "explores how corporate law in the early Republic provided African Americans with religious rights that were denied in other venues."

The New York Review of Books has a review of Robert Gordon's The Rise and Fall of American Growth by William Nordhaus. [The book, along with Jefferson Cowie's The Great Exception, is also reviewed by Jonathan Levy for Dissent, but that essay is behind a paywall.]

Over on the AHA blog, summer guest blogger Jesse Hysell adds two essays based on his research on  trade between Venice and Egypt.The series so far can be accessed here.

With funding from Wells Fargo Bank, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania has organized and restored its collection of materials relating to the Bank of North America. For information on the progress of this project, readers can consult the relevant HSP blog postings.

In a contribution to slavery and capitalism research, Blake Smith has an essay in Aeon on "Slavery as Free Trade," utilizing his research on the French East India Company.

Focusing on a more contemporary issue, Stephen Mihm writes about the history of Republicans and the tariff on Bloomberg View.

The program for the conference "L'industrie française dans la Grande Guerre," to be held in Paris on November 15-16, 2016, has been posted.

Louis Hyman was featured on a Public Radio International podcast on "What the rise of the gig economy means for the American dream"; a text interview is included.

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