The Association Française d'histoire économique (AFHé) has opened a new website, Hypothèses. According to the organizers, the
site complements the mailing list (, and aims to acquaint researchers (historians, economists, sociologists, managers ...) about various information on the latest research in economic history: conferences, publications, calls for projects, summaries of work . . . , proceedings of seminars, study days or conferences, debates.... The objective is to contribute to the visibility of economic history by facilitating intellectual exchange among researchers and providing space for issues that stimulate the scholarly community.The host site, "Hypotheses," is devoted to postings related to research in the humanities and social sciences overall; it is one project of the French "Centre for Open Electronic Publishing" (Cléo--Centre pour L'Édition Électronique Ouverte), a laboratory involving CNRS, EHESS, the University of Provence, and the University of Avignon. Cléo also publishes Calenda (a calendar of events in the social sciences and humanities) and Revues (scholarly journals and articles). Access to all Cléo sites can be found at the Open Edition portal.