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Showing posts from July, 2019

Harvard Business School Business History Fellowships, Call open between August 1, 2019 and October 15, 2019

HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL BUSINESS HISTORY FELLOWSHIPS Call opens  August 1st, 2019 . Deadlines:  October 15th and November 5th, 2019. The  Harvard-Newcomen Postdoctoral Fellowship in Business History . To be awarded for twelve months’ residence, study, and research at Harvard Business School. The fellowship is open to scholars who, within the last ten years, have received a Ph.D. in history, economics, or a related discipline. The fellowship has two purposes: The first is to enable scholars to engage in research that will benefit from the resources of Harvard Business School and the larger Boston scholarly community. A travel fund and a book fund will be provided. The second is to provide an opportunity for the fellow to participate in the activities of Harvard Business School. Application and related materials are due by October 15, 2019. The  Thomas K. McCraw Fellowship in U.S. Business History . The Thomas K. McCraw Fellowship seeks applicants who are establ...

Call for Papers: Home and Hearth: Gender and Energies within the Domestic Space, 19th-21st Centuries

The Call for Papers for the Conference Home and Hearth: Gender and Energies within the Domestic Space, 19th-21st Centuries (Wood, Coal, Electricity, Gas, Oil) is open until the end of September . The meeting will take place in Paris, June 2020. The different sources of energy (wood, coal, gas and oil, electricity) increasingly changed lifestyles within the domestic space from the nineteenth century onward. The markets that included these new energy uses were amplified with the spread of multiple types of household equipment. Living conditions were transformed through the promotion of comfort, the reduction of domestic hardship, and the simplification of chores. Cooking, heating, refrigeration, hot water, and housework were all separately or collectively emphasized as sources of well-being in the household. Their promotion helped to simplify the most basic everyday practices from the bathroom to the kitchen, from lighting to cleaning. They also transformed activities outside of th...

History podcasts [Part III of three]

Dear subscribers to The Exchange, The following podcasts shows are all related to history and might be of interest and also useful for your classes. Another BBC show focusing on history is In Our Time . The last episode of Past Present, School Busing, Girlboss, and Lil Nas X , is relevant to the ongoing primaries debates in the United States. Dig: A History Podcast ," is made by "Women historians digging up intimate stories of the past to uncover history that matters." The History Buffs podcast was also created by the women of DIG. The full archive is available here . The first season of Nice Try! , from Curbed and Vox Media, is hosted by Avery Trufelman (@trufelman). "Utopian tells the stories behind the world’s most fascinating communities, from an enclosed bubble of environmentalists to the first American “company town” to 19th-century spiritual sects." Throughline is US National Public Radio's history podcast. The last episode on July ...

Deadline extended forChris Kobrak Research Fellowship Open for Applications

CBHA 2019-20 Chris Kobrak Research Fellowship Open for Applications New deadline is July 31st, 2019. The CBHA/ACHA, Canada’s leading organization for the study of business in Canada, offers support for a research project in an area of Canadian business history. Applicants are encouraged to think creatively in developing proposals that will result in an academic product (scholarly article, book project, digital, oral or public history project) that advances our understanding of some aspect of Canadian business history. The field of study is open to any area or time period, but the Grants Committee especially encourages proposals that embrace questions that emerge from the global and international challenges faced by Canadian business. One particular area of interest for the CBHA/ACHA is the internationalization of Canadian financial services. The successful applicant will receive up to $5,000 per year over two years, for a total of up to $10,000, to support the completion of the ...

Over the Counter No. 48

The following journals have recently published new issues: Volume 59, Issue 2 (July 2019) of the Australian Economic History Review is available online. The last published volume of The Journal of Labor and Society is a Special Issue on Feminism and Labor Struggles (Volume 22, Issue 2, June 2019) The Economic History Review and Enterprise & Society just published their August 2019 and September 2019 issues, respectively. The AEA Papers and Proceedings (Volume 109, May 2019) may be accessed  here . Volume 61, Issue 6 of Business History is available here. Other interesting readings from across the web, For the Washington Post's section  Made by History , JoAnne Yates and Craig N. Murphy wrote " Globalism is under siege. Here's how to save it -- and why. " Their book  Engineering Rules  was also featured in the blog  The Past Speaks . And  Buying Gay: How Physique Entrepreneurs Sparked a Movement, by David K. Johnson From ...

History podcasts [Part II of three]

Dear subscribers to The Exchange, The following podcasts shows are all related to history and might be of interest and also useful for your classes. The History Chicks ' podcast theme is women in history. The last episode aired last July 9th about Joan of Arc. The show Our Fake History is "A podcast about myths we think are history and history that might be hidden in myths!" To access the episodes click  here . BBC Witness History podcast has been airing episodes since 2010. All of the episodes are freely available on their website. For a combination of comerdy and history, listen to The Dollop . Atlanta Monster is a "true crime podcast" and it takes the listener through the last four decades of Atlanta's history. Produced by director and award-winning documentary filmmaker, Payne Lindsey. BackStory is "Hosted by noted U.S. historians, each episode provides listeners with different perspectives on a particular theme or subject – givin...

BHC News: The Martha Moore Trescott Award

The Martha Moore Trescott Award -- honoring Paul Uselding, Harold F. Williamson, Richard C. Overton, Alfred D. Chandler, and Albro Martin The Business History Conference is delighted to announce the establishment of a new prize, The Martha Moore Trescott Award. The prize, generously funded by a bequest from the estate of the late Martha Moore Trescott, will be awarded to the best paper at the intersection of business history and the history of technology presented at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference. The award honors pioneering scholars Paul Uselding, Harold F. Williamson, Richard C. Overton, Alfred D. Chandler, and Albro Martin. Martha Moore Trescott was herself a pioneering member of the BHC and published extensively, particularly on the role of women in science and engineering, while she worked in academic administration for several universities. The prize will be for the amount of $500. Criteria and eligibility: The BHC will establish a prize committee...

New position available: Departmental Lecturer in Economic and Social History [1 year]

Departmental Lecturer in Economic and Social History Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford Salary in the range ÂŁ32,236 - ÂŁ34,189. Deadline to apply is July 18th, 2019 . Interviews are likely to take place on Tuesday 30 July 2019 . This is an exciting opportunity to join our thriving history community and gain valuable teaching experience at both undergraduate and graduate levels. You will be required to contribute across the curriculum through lectures, classes, and tutorials to core undergraduate papers in Quantification in History and the Masters papers in Economic and Social History (depending on your specialism). You will also be required to undertake advanced academic study to underpin lectures and class teaching and engage in your own research. You will have a doctorate in a relevant field (or show evidence that a doctorate is close to completion) and a publication record commensurate with career stage. You will be computer literate with familiarity with a range of ...

History podcasts [Part I]

Dear subscribers to The Exchange, The following podcasts shows are all related to history and might be of interest and also useful for your classes. They are mostly US-centered, so please feel free to send me your suggestions and I can report a more comprehensive list in a couple of months. Revolutions  is a podcast on political revolutions, produced by Mike Duncan. He also produced, and completed,  The History of Rome , on the history of the Roman Empire. Aaron Mahnke produces  Lore , "exposes the darker side of history, exploring the creatures, people, and places of our wildest nightmares." Dan Carlin produces Hardcore history . From his website "Whether it’s history or current events he’s discussing, his passion is contagious, his approach refreshing and his ideas tickle your brain in all the right places. He’ll make you mad too." Daniele Bolelli produces History on Fire . Isaac Meyer (@GiantEnemy_Crab) produces a podcast on the History Of Japan O...

New position available Executive Director of the Organization of American Historians

The Organization of American Historians is hiring a new Executive Director at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Apply before October 15th, 2019 . Approximate Start Date July 1st, 2020. The Organization of American Historian s (located at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana), the largest professional association devoted to the teaching, research, and presentation of United States history, seeks a new Executive Director. The director oversees the administrative offices of the Organization and will work as an advocate for American history more broadly. The OAH claims over 7,000 members, a staff of fifteen, and an annual budget of more than two million dollars. The Annual Meeting of the Organization is the largest and most diverse gathering of historians of the United States and the OAH’s Journal of American History is the flagship publication of the discipline. The OAH enjoys an engaged and supportive board, an excellent staff, a balanced budget, and a collegial ar...

Call for Papers: Latin American Studies Association, May 13-16, 2020, in Guadalajara, MĂ©xico

The 2020 Latin American Studies Association meeting will be held in Guadalajara, MĂ©xico. The call for proposals opened last week. Dates:  May 13-16, 2020 . Deadline for proposals: September 5th, 2019 . For more information about deadlines and submission details please visit The conference theme is AmĂ©frica Ladina: vinculando mundos y saberes, tejiendo esperanzas.  AmĂ©frica Ladina, intends to take a step in the same direction as the title Nuestra AmĂ©rica, instead of AmĂ©rica Latina, which emphasizes the Latin tradition of this region, that is, its bonds with Europe, and hides or sets aside the participation of other populations such as amerindias or those of African origin in this process. The expression AmĂ©frica Ladina, coined by the Afro-Brazilian intellectual Lelia González, seeks to explicitly expose the presence of these populations and mestizo populations in the social project of Nuestra AmĂ©rica, and affir...

Preliminary program available: EBHA 2019 (29th-31st, August) The Business History of Creativity

The preliminary program for EBHA The Business History of Creativity is available at During this congress we will explore the impact and the implementation of this policy instrument on a local, national and supranational level. We also aim to historicize the concept and explore the historical roots of the creative industries, analysing different sectors, including art markets, film, fashion, radio, television, music, design, theatre, tourism and video games. Other topics we aim to address include how creativity can be defined and how this links to the concept of creative industries. Not only does creativity matter to its namesake industries, but also to most sectors of national and international economies. It forms the basis of innovation and firm competitiveness. Innovation, creativity, and the creative industries are closely linked concepts. The creative industries are based on creativity, skills, and talent, and the p...