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Showing posts from March, 2019

Registration open: Labour in History & Economics Conference

Labour in History & Economics Conference at the  University of Oxford 15-16 April, 2019. Program available The Labour in History & Economics Conference is an interdisciplinary meeting of labour historians, economic historians, and labour economists focused on discussions of migration, labour markets, and the work environment. Recent developments in all three disciplines have brought issues of work and labour to the forefront of scholarship. The empirical turn in economics has led to new research related to labour and work including the use of historical case studies. At the same time, the high-wage economy interpretation of the Industrial Revolution has put workers and wages at the forefront of economic history, and historians of capitalism have advanced the importance of labour repression, especially slavery, as a cause of modern economic growth. This conference will bring together scholars from these disciplines to share research, perspectives, and methodologie...

Call for Papers: Gender, Labour and Consumption in historical perspectives

Gender, Labour and Consumption in historical perspectives at the University of Essex Deadline for abstracts: April 30, 2019 ; Conference: September 13-14, 2019 . The Department of History at the University of Essex welcomes proposals for the Gender, Labour and Consumption in historical perspectives conference. The main goal of the organizers is to bring in scholars working on the following topics: histories of shopping as work market regulation & moral economies spaces of consumption as sites of labour retailing racism & racialised consumerism consumer organising & gender relations pleasure, consumption & labour masculinities, consumption & labour total war & redefinitions of gender, labour & consumption Event speakers are Professor Erika Rappaport, University of Santa Barbara, and Professor Pamela Cox, University of Essex. Questions and inquiries may be directed to Professor Peter Gurney  or visit the event's we...

#BHCCartagena Prizes

The Business History Conference awarded seven  at its annual meeting in Cartagena, Colombia. These are the winners of the 2019 prizes: Franco Amatori (UniversitĆ  Bocconi) was awarded the  Business History Conference Lifetime Achievement Award.  The BHC's Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a person who, in the judgment of the Grants and Prizes Committee, ratified by vote of the Board of Trustees, contributed in major ways to the work of the Business History Conference and to scholarship in business history. Nominations are solicited from the membership for this award every two to three years as appropriate. The award consists of a commemorative piece in etched crystal, presented at the annual meeting. The first award was bestowed in 2002. Per Hansen (Copenhagen Business School) won the Hagley Prize in Business History for his book Danish Modern Furniture, 1930-2016: The Rise, Decline and Re-emergence of a Cultural Market Category (University Press of Souther...

Three internships at Hagley: review of applications starts April 1st, 2019

1. Processing Internship (paid, $15/hour; 320 hours) for the Hagley Libraryā€™s Department of Audiovisual Collections and Digital Initiatives (AVD) . Learn about conservation, arrangement, and description of an archival collection(s) under the supervision of the Audiovisual and Digital Archivist in the Audiovisual Collections and Digital Initiatives Department. More information about the position can be found here . 2. Paid Internship (paid, $15/hour; 320 hours) for The Hagley Museum and Libraryā€™s Manuscripts and Archives Department (M&A) to assist with the processing of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) records . NAM is the largest manufacturing trade association in the United States and its records are essential for understanding the relationship between business and government in the twentieth century. Once completed, this project will add an additional 880 linear feet of manuscript, audiovisual, and published materials to Hagleyā€™s already extensive NAM ...

Call for Papers: 39th Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History

39th Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History at the University of Algarve (Campus de Gambelas, Faro, Portugal) Conference, Circulations: from local to global Deadline for submissions: 15 April; Conference: 15-16 November. Mobility is a key problem in Economic and Social History. Regardless of the period under analysis, people circulate, carrying with them commodities, capital, ideas, languages, traditions. They circulate to survive, to trade, to explore, to conquer, to migrate, and also for leisure. These constant circulations are at the origin of many interactions, impacts, conflicts, changes and resistances, as well as many social, economic, institutional and cultural transformations. In an increasingly interconnected world, these processes can be analyzed under several perspectives and in various scales, going from the local to the global. We invite scholars, from any nationality, who wish to contribute to this topic to submit their panel or paper ...

New job opening: Associate Curator of Business and Industry

The position of Associate Curator of Business and Industry at the History Colorado Collection might be of interest. Deadline: April 3rd, 2019 . These are the specific requirements for the job: Masters Degree in an appropriate field such as History, American Studies, or Museum Studies with specialization in a particular subject area or time period represented in the collection. A minimum of 3 years of progressively responsible c uratorial experience working with business and industry related collections in a museum or other collecting institution with a public audience. Ability to plan strategically and creatively. Knowledge of museum collection standards and best practices and information management techniques and database systems used in curatorial and museum registration departments. Good communication skills, both written and oral, including evidence of scholarly research and writing and lectures and public programs for a variety of audiences. Demonstrated ability t...

CfP: 13th European Social Science History Conference

Call for Papers for the 13th European Social Science History Conference Deadline: April 15, 2019; Conference:  18 ā€“ 21 March, 2020 in Leiden, The Netherlands, The ESSHC aims at bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions. The Conference welcomes papers and sessions on any topic and any historical period. It is organized in a large number of networks: Africa Antiquity Asia Criminal Justice Culture Economics Education and Childhood ā€“ Elites and Forerunners Ethnicity and Migration Family and Demography ā€“ Global History - Health and Environment Labour Latin America ā€“ Material and Consumer Culture - Middle Ages Oral History ā€“ Politics, Citizenship and Nations - Religion Rural Sexuality - Social Inequality ā€“ Spatial and digital History - Science and Technology Theory - Urban Women and G...

Over the counter, No. 46

  News of interest from around the web 1. New issues from Business History, Business History Review, The Economic History Review, Enterprise and Society,  2. Reviews.  3. Podcasts of interest. 4. Other publications and blogs (For future series, please send the editor your news and announcements, or tweet to @TheBHCnews) The first issues of 2019 of Business History ,  The Economic History Review , Enterprise and Society , and Investigaciones de Historia EconĆ³mica - Economic History Research are out. Business History Review published its list of the 2018 most downloaded articles , and the first view of 2019 research articles in the journal is available here . A Special Issue of Markets, Organizations and Law in the latest issue of  Historical Social Research (HSR)  is also available. Selected reviews from different organizations and journals: Clayton Nall,  Road to Inequality: How the Federal Highway Program Polarized...

BHC 2019 en espaƱol

El jueves 14 de marzo se celebrarĆ” parte del congreso en espaƱol. El Meeting Workshop: Empresariado en AmĆ©rica Latina en Perspectiva HistĆ³rica y Global se compone de cinco sesiones a lo largo del dĆ­a con presentaciones en espaƱol, inglĆ©s y portuguĆ©s. Las presentaciones versan sobre una gran variedad de temas relacionados con la historia empresarial en AmĆ©rica Latina. Ā”No te lo pierdas! To start this year's conference, consider attending the 2019 BHC Meeting Workshop: Empresariado en AmĆ©rica Latina en Perspectiva HistĆ³rica y Global  (Thursday, March 14) with five sessions throughout the day in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. These are presentations about a variety of topics related to business history in Latin America. Don't miss it!

The Transnational History of French Industrialisation Before 1914

Call for Papers for The Transnational History of French Industrialisation Before 1914 Deadline: March 31st; Conference: November 6th - 8th, 2019 at the German Historical Institute in Paris. The aim of this conference will be to analyse the characteristics of 19th-century French industrialisation and to understand how they distinguish France from other countries that went through the same process in the same era. Instead of using the English case as the only reference (as is customary), particular attention will be paid to a comparison between France and other continental European countries, especially Germany. An important dimension of national industrialisation trajectories is their place in an international and transnational context; in the case of France, colonial empire played an undeniable role. Economic and non-economic competition with other major industrial nations, particularly England and Germany, was another driving force behind French industrialisation. This could b...

CfP: Corley Paper Development Workshop for Early Career Researchers

Corley Paper Development Workshop for Early Career Researchers Deadline: April 8th, 2019 ; Workshop: July 6th, 2019 . In memory of the business historian Tony Corley who died last year, the Association of Business Historians have decided to inaugurate a new venture in the form of a Paper Development Workshop for Early Career Researchers (ECRs). This will take place on Saturday 6th July and be linked to the Associationā€™s annual conference at Sheffield. Spaces have been reserved in the conference programme should any of those selected wish to present there as well. Applications are welcome from any ECR working on a paper in the broad field of business history which they would like to develop with a view to publication. Up to five papers will be selected and will be developed at the workshop with leading business history scholars, including journal editors. The Association will cover the expenses of the presenters up to a maximum of Ā£150 each. Those selected would be expected to join t...

New position at the BHC: Editor of the Business and Economic History Online

The BHC is looking for a new Editor for the  Business and Economic History Online ! Deadline for applications: March 31st . Business and Economic History Online (BEH Online) is an online journal featuring a selection of papers presented at the Business History Conferenceā€™s (BHC) annual meeting. The Editor is responsible for the overall quality of the intellectual content of the journal; for overseeing the review process, with the Co-Editor, to select papers that provide new, original, and important contributions to the field of business history; and upholding the mission and scope of the journal. The primary source of content for the journal is papers presented at the BHCā€™s annual meeting. Interested? Attach a letter of interest and a brief (i.e., 2 pages max) CV or rĆ©sumĆ© by March 31 in an email to Find details about the position and contact information for questions at

New Job Opening: Research Associate in Business History Position as a Research Associate in Business History at the University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School. This post is full time (35 hours per week) and has funding available until 31 August 2021. You will make a leading contribution to the project: The Making of a Lopsided Union: Economic Integration in the European Economic Community, 1957-1992 (EURECON) led by Dr Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (See and Explanatory Document for more details). Specifically, the job requires expert knowledge in the area of postwar international/European economic and business history. Contribute to the formulation and submission of research publications and research proposals and help manage and direct complex and challenging project(s) as opportunities allow. To apply for the position, applicants are required to submit ( CV Three references Cover letter explaining how your research experience fits the EURE...

CfA: Summer School in Economic and Social History

Summer School in Economic and Social History at the University of Ć‰vora, Portugal CfA deadline: March 15th ; Summer School: 26-29 June 2019. The Summer School in Economic and Social History will convene Professors, Ph.D. candidates, and post-doctoral researchers to discuss historical methods, dissertations, and/or the research projects of the participants. Keynote speaker will be Filipa Ribeiro da Silva (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam). Lectures Rui Pedro Esteves (Graduate Institute, Geneva), Quantifying History: methods and questions Jorge Pedreira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Big themes in Social History Susana Miranda (Universidade de Lisboa), Big themes in Economic History Jaime Reis (Universidade de Lisboa), How to publish More details about the program and the schedule may be found here . Universidade de Ɖvora - Claustro geral dos Estudos.