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The Exchange is changing platforms! Please read to continue receiving our messages [working links]

  Dear subscribers to The Exchange: I am happy to announce that our blog is moving platforms. For almost a decade, the Business History Conference has used Blogger to publish and archive posts. However, in early 2021, the blogging site announced that their email serving service would be terminated. In addition, we noticed that many of our subscribers had stopped receiving the blog’s emails, and our subscription provides very limited reporting. In agreement, the Electronic Media Oversight Committee , web administrator Shane Hamilton, and web editor Paula de la Cruz-Fernández decided to move our web blog from Blogger to our website . We now write to you to request that if you wish to continue receiving announcements from the BHC, please subscribe here:   Interested people will be asked to log into their BHC’s account or open one, free. If you have questions, please email The Business History Conference <web-admin [at]>...

Virtual Talk by Carlos Marichal (El Colegio de México)

  Virtual Talk, “The Emergence of Banks in Latin America, 1850-1873: Was There a Financial Revolution or Something Else?” by Carlos Marichal (El Colegio de México)  On Monday, June 28, 2021, at 11 am EST, Carlos Marichal (El Colegio de México) will give the second keynote talk of the Financial History Network, with the paper “The Emergence of Banks in Latin America, 1850-1873: Was There a Financial Revolution or Something Else?.” You can register for the session  here .  The   abstract is on the  website  and below: We offer a pioneering and general overview of how banks first developed in various important Latin American nations in the mid-19 th  century with emphasis on the larger domestic banks, which forged close ties with local governments.  This interpretation runs counter to the traditional views on the origins of banking in this region, the most common misconception being that in this era British banks dominated Latin American f...

Call for BHC/AHA Roundtable 2022

  Call for BHC/AHA Roundtable 2022 Deadline July 15th As an affiliate group, the Business History Conference has the opportunity to create a roundtable for the AHA conference in 2022 outside of the normal proposal system. Next year, the AHA will be held in New Orleans, January 6-9, 2022 . The AHA does not allow virtual presentations so participants have to attend in-person. Please note: BHC members already planning to attend the AHA (and who may have a paper accepted), “can present on two panels in two different roles at the meeting,” according to AHA rules for affiliated societies. We invite BHC members to submit a roundtable proposal (250-word abstract + 2-page CV) on a business history topic.  The deadline for our consideration is July 15th .  Please email your submissions to Susie Pak, .  We will review submissions quickly and thank you for your understanding.  BHC Liaison Committee : Susie Pak, Kari Zimmerman, and Susan Spellman.

Hagley's Fall Conference 2021 Announcement

*Reach Out and Touch Someone: * *A Conference on Commercial Intimacy and Personalization* Thursday and Friday, November 4 and 5, 2021 Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society Hagley Library, Wilmington, Delaware In today’s wired world, marketers have heralded their ability to use apps, social media, and other online spaces to forge relationships with consumers that feel truly personal. Such claims, however, are not new. Marketplace transactions have long been mediated by forms of commercial intimacy that blur the line between the putatively public, rational world of commerce and the private, emotional realm of personal relations. From the warm handshake to the sentiment-laden ad campaign, business interests of all sorts – producers, service providers, distributors, retailers and others – have found ways to soften the profit motive’s harder edges by enveloping it with an aura of affinity. Over time, these tools of “goodwill” became even more crucial as markets expan...

Virtual conference CFP: V Congreso Peruano de Historia Económica

  La Asociación Peruana de Historia Económica (APHE) convoca al V Congreso Peruano de Historia Económica 2021 . Debido a la emergencia sanitaria internacional generada por el COVID-19, el congreso se desarrollará en su totalidad de forma virtual.  Esta edición del Congreso está dedicada a los aspectos económicos de la Independencia del Perú. Sin embargo, se contempla también la organización de mesas y ponencias de otras temáticas en historia económica en regiones de América Latina y el Caribe.  Invitamos a los investigadores a presentar propuestas de ponencias. La fecha límite para la recepción será el 9 de julio del 2021. La propuesta de ponencia debe estar compuesta por:  1.Nombre y filiación académica  2.Título y Sumilla de la ponencia  3.Título del Simposio al que envía su ponencia (ver Anexo 1 de la convocatoria) Adjuntamos convocatoria. d/1uv_ uTNYTytbwbEQhHJL1NXXTxgaooX5i/ view?usp=drivesdk Las pr...

Virtual seminar: Easy Monetary Policy. Cure or Curse?

eabh virtual seminar Easy Monetary Policy. Cure or Curse? Can looking back at historical precedents help to better understand where we are headed?  22 June 2021 12.00 - 13.00 CET eabh in cooperation with Allianz Global Investors   Harold James (Princeton) and Eric Barthalon (Allianz SE) will take a long-term perspective on easy monetary policies and their implications. Post Great Financial Crisis, major central banks have cut rates to, or below zero and have provided unprecedented amounts of liquidity to the system ever since. After first steps to normalise monetary policy, we have seen a renewed round of monetary easing in 2019. Further, Covid restrictions and lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 brought back discussions about helicopter money and direct credit to the banking sector. Can looking back at historical precedents help to better understand where we are headed? For more information, click here ; to register, click here .