The University of Bayreuth is holding a workshop on "Business and the Law: Historical Perspectives on Legal Change," which will take place on June 21-23, 2018. According to the organizers,
Travel costs and accommodation will be covered for the presenters of all accepted papers. The workshop will be organized as a paper development workshop. There will be only a small number of individual presentations during the workshop, intended to provide an overview to the different fields of interest. All workshop participants are expected to read the papers that will be pre-circulated. Some of the papers will be published in a special issue on "Business and the Law," edited by the workshop organizers, in Management and Organizational History.
Proposals should be sent as a single document (PDF) by December 31, 2017. The document should include the name, institutional affiliation, and contact information of those submitting; a 500-800 word abstract; and a one-page CV.
For a fuller explanation of the Workshop's aims and discussion of the topic, please see the full call for papers.
The aim of the workshop is to understand legal change as a change in routines that affected the ways in which businesses and courts interpreted the "rules of the game." Such a change could manifest itself in written law or lead to a fundamentally different way of interpreting it. In both cases the focus needs to be on economic and legal practices, i.e. on the question what the law meant in its historical context and how it actually affected economic actions. We are looking for theoretical work as well as empirical case studies that help to shed light on the historical transformations of legal institutions at the intersection of businesses and the law.
Proposals should be sent as a single document (PDF) by December 31, 2017. The document should include the name, institutional affiliation, and contact information of those submitting; a 500-800 word abstract; and a one-page CV.
For a fuller explanation of the Workshop's aims and discussion of the topic, please see the full call for papers.