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Over the Counter: Issue No. 36

A collection of interesting sites around the web:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University highlighted its collection of photographs about the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad.

We regret to report the death, on May 18, of Canadian historian Michael Bliss. Although his later works focused on medical history, Bliss's early research was in business history; in that field he is best known for A Canadian Millionaire: The Life and Business Times of Sir Joseph Flavelle and Northern Enterprise: Five Centuries of Canadian Business.

An interesting post from Textilis on the Swedish East India Company’s 18th-century dealing in fabrics used for handkerchiefs.

On the blog for NICHE ((Network in Canadian History & Environment), Josh MacFadyen writes about "Weather Markets: A Business Case for Environmental History."

From Bard Graduate Center, a digital exhibit about the 1853 Crystal Palace in New York City (with several essays, including an introduction by the late historian of material culture, David Jaffee.)

From the Imperial and Global History Forum, an essay by Tom Harper on "China's New Silk Road: Central Asia and the Imperial Legacy of the Great Game."

Anton Howes, a historian of innovation currently at Brown University, writes on "If Not Britain, Where? The Case for a French Industrial Revolution"; he also authors an ongoing economic history blog, Capitalism's Cradle.

On her blog, George Mason Ph.D. candidate Stephanie Walters discusses the wealth of information to be found in Loyalist Claims Commission documents.

The journal Accounting History has added a new selection of "editors' choice" articles, this one on "Accounting and Agriculture." The essays are freely available on the journal website.

Also, the April 2017 issue of Financial History Review, a special issue on the financial and monetary history of south-east Europe, is open access for a limited time.

Kate Moore, drawing on her book Radium Girls, details for BuzzFeed the terrible results of radium poisoning among workers who applied the element to watch dials, and the fight they waged for legal protection.

James B. Stewart discusses the influence of the Harvard Business School in his New York Times review of Duff McDonald's The Golden Passport: Harvard Business School, the Limits of Capitalism, and the Moral Failure of the MBA Elite.

The annual graduate student conference on international history at Harvard (CON-IH) was held last March on the topic of "Migration, Immigration, Diaspora"; abstracts of the papers can be found on the CON-IH website.

The FDR Presidential Library and Museum features a section on the Great Depression and the New Deal; the library's complete holdings of digitized materials may be accessed via FRANKLIN.

Andrew Zimmermann, author of Alabama in Africa, was interviewed on the Global History Forum about "Global Capitalism and the Transatlantic Revolution."

The Scottish Center for Diaspora Studies at the University of Edinburgh has issued a call for papers for a conference on "Building the Scottish Diaspora," to be held in Edinburgh on November 17-18, 2017; the meeting will consider the nature of Scotland’s contribution to the colonial built environment."

Hannah Barker of the University of Manchester has developed a digital database of "Family and Business in North-West England, 1760-1820." The database can be viewed and searched by individual name, business name, or title of document.

On Bloomberg View, Stephen Mihm writes about the airline industry's habit of "Overpacking Places since the 1940s."

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