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Over the Counter: Issue No. 31

Last June, The Heyman Center for the Humanities at Columbia University presented a symposium on "Science & Capitalism: Entangled Histories." The description and program are available here; papers will be published in a special issue of Osiris in 2018.

The recipients of the 2016 Wadsworth Prize of the Business Archives Council are Richard Roberts and David Kynsaton for The Lion Wakes: A Modern History of HSBC.

On "Pro-Market," the blog of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, Richard John has an extended discussion of his current research in an interview entitled "When Did Americans Stop Being Antimonopoly?"

Over 75 German historians have recently protested the sudden firing of Manfred Grieger, the historian and archivist for Volkswagen who was instrumental in allowing access to the company's archives and in detailing its practices during the Second World War. The New York Times coverage, featuring commentary by Hartmut Berghoff, is here

The Vault has published a selection of photographs by William Clarke depicting life in late nineteenth-century Pennsylvania lumber camps. The images are drawn from a recent book by Ronald E. Ostman and Harry Littell, Wood Hicks and Bark Peelers (Penn State University Press, 2016).

In a recent New Yorker, John Lanchester considers Dear Chairman: Boardroom Battles and the Rise of Shareholder Activism by Jeff Gramm (HarperBusiness).

The World Economics Association Newsletter has published an interview with Andrea Micocci on his recent book, A Historical Political Economy of Capitalism

This academic year EHESS is running a seminar on "Capitalisme et inégalités aux États-Unis"; the schedule is available here. American speakers include W. Elliott Brownlee, Jonathan Levy, Thomas Sugrue, and Joseph McCartin.

Joel Mokyr has an article in The Atlantic, "Progress Isn't Natural."

The Johns Hopkins Seminar on the History of Capitalism, directed by Louis Galambos, Angus Burgin, and Christy Chapin, has begun to post a series of working papers. The full texts are freely available.

Adam Tooze reviews The United States and Fascist Italy: The Rise of American Finance in Europe by Gian Giacomo Migone, originally published in Italian in 1980 and now translated into English by Molly Tambor (Cambridge University Press), for the New York Review of Books.

Interesting essay by Jared Hardesty for the blog of the African American Intellectual History Society, titled "What's in a List? Early African Americans in an Age of Consumer Revolution." The post looks at Boston town crier Arthur Hill’s lists of goods lost and found by Boston’s residents between 1736 and 1748.

The Hathi Trust Digital Library has added full text copies of the periodical Telegraph and Telephone Age for 1910-1917.

In October the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l' Homme in Aix-en-Provence held an international conference on "Precious Metals in the Medieval Mediterranean"; the program is available here.

Marc-William Palen can be heard discussing his recent work, The "Conspiracy" of Free Trade (Cambridge University Press), on the New Books Network.

The John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History at Duke University has recently made available a new digital collection, "J. Walter Thompson Ford Motor Co. Advertisements, 1944-2001."

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