Stephanie Decker, Christina Lubinski, and an Wadhwani have launched a new blog and website, the Organizational History Network . The goal of the project is to bring together people interested in the various organizational history initiatives at the moment, such as the ESRC seminar series (Stephanie Decker with Mick Rowlinson and John Hassard), the CBS Business History Initiative (Mads Mordhorst, Christina Lubinski, and Dan Wadhwani), and the EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) stream in MOH (Management and Organization History) (Dan Wadhwani, Stephanie Decker, and Matthias Kipping) and also to serve as a platform for calls for papers and events. As the editors explain, This page is run by a network of scholars interested in historical approaches to studying organizations. In recent years a number of scholars from around world have hosted seminars, events at conferences, published articles and books and run research projects and networks in this field. This we...
The Business History Conference Weblog