The 2015 EABH (European Association for Banking and Financial History) has issued a call for papers for its next archival workshop, to be held on May 14, 2015, in Prague, Czech Republic. The workshop, hosted by the Czech National Bank and in cooperation with the Czech Banking Association, will focus on "Inflation. Money. Output: Economic and Financial Data Underpinning Analysis and Policy-Making." As the call for papers explains,
Papers that include some reflection on how archival data series and collections can be used for current historical and economic research purposes are welcome. Paper proposals should be no longer than 500 words, preferably in English. They should be sent to no later than December 31, 2014. Submissions should include the full name, affiliation, and contact details of the author(s).
For a much fuller description of the workshop, please see the EABH announcement.
Reliable and timely economic and financial statistics are of paramount importance today. . . . central banks, commercial banks and insurance companies have been systematically collecting and compiling economic and financial data since at least the 1920s, if not earlier, in support of macro-economic analysis and policy-making. No doubt, many of these institutions will have in their archives data collections pre-dating automation . . . . The purpose of this workshop is to gain a better understanding of what is actually available in financial institutions’ archives, and to identify promising areas for future research or action.
For a much fuller description of the workshop, please see the EABH announcement.