HiMOS (https://historymos.wordpress.com/)
The seminar builds on the recent efforts to advance historical organization studies (Maclean, Clegg, Suddaby, & Harvey, 2020). The idea is to help open up the black box of practicing historical research.
Our keynote speaker (Ryan Raffaelli, Harvard) will share his experience and insights related to a recently published empirical article. Then, we will workshop papers at an advanced stage, authored by leading and early career scholars. This allows the participants to get hands-on insights into the various ways of doing historical research in management and organization studies.
Event details
Date: Thursday, Nov 5, 2020
Time: 4pm–7pm (UTC+2, Finland); 2pm–5pm (UTC, UK); 9am–noon (UTC-5, Boston)
Please register here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/EP/27C5BA1BA8B26B8D
By registering you will receive the Zoom link, passcode, and the full version of the working papers one week before the seminar.
Keynote: Ryan Raffaelli, Harvard Business School
Working papers (abstracts available here):
Aleksi Niittymies, Tampere University (with Kalle Pajunen)
Title: Capturing Temporal Embeddedness in International Business Research: Three Historical Approaches
Stephanie Decker, University of Bristol (with Elena Giovannoni and Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki)
Title: Building Identity: Architextual Resources in the Identity Formation of the Bauhaus
Santi Furnari, The Business School, City, University of London
Title: Unobtrusive action: Activating latent biographical contradictions in centralized organizations
HiMOS is organized by the Strategy and Entrepreneurship research group of Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE). Seminars are organized twice per year. In each seminar we will have one keynote speaker with a recent history-related publication sharing their insights and experiences and 2–3 advanced working paper presentations.
If you are interested in presenting in future seminars, contact the organizers Zeerim Cheung (zeerim.1.cheung@jyu.fi) and Christian Stutz (christian.stutz@jyu.fi).