The following items are published SI and Calls for Contributions for SI
1. CfP for Business History SI2. Inaugural Issue of Sentio Journal
3. Recently published Business History SI
The last day to send your proposal to contribute to Business History's SI on "International Business, Multi-Nationals, and the Nationality of the Company" is January 15th. The announcement from the editors of the Issue calls for the following themes: "With the Special Issue we want to connect to the international business and strategy literature that indeed identifies different patterns of internationalisation over time but most often does not consider historical change of the political-economic environment (and of the company) as a particular object of analysis, whereas historians might be more strongly interested in how entrepreneurial activity was carried on, the circumstances under which it was constructed, how it developed and how practices, strategies and narratives changed over time. Also, the question of how a firm’s nationality is perceived and represented in the host country or at its place of origin is relevant in many ways, for instance for political decision makers and for consumers." More information about the call may be found here.
The Sentio Journal is inviting proposals on "The theme of ... ‘validity’. We invite contributors to reflect on the various uses, meanings, and mobilizations of the concept within and across specific social science disciplines." The deadline to submit proposals for contributions is January 18th. For more information about this new journal visit their website.
Part I of the Special Issue on "The Brand and its History" in Business History is now available. The issue contains articles on "branding" in pre-modern Europe, branding in the US before 1870, and the branding of cheese, guns, cognac, and Disney in Europe. A table of contents can be found here