The Europäische Akademie in Berlin is holding a conference on October 11-12, 2018, on "Transforming Cities: Urbanization and International Development Policies in the Global South in the Twentieth Century." According to the convenors (Sönke Kunkel and Marc Frey),
Inquiries can be made to the conveners at the e-mail addresses above. For a much fuller discussion of conference aims and topics, please see the full call for papers.
Connecting global urban history to the history of development, humanitarian aid, international organizations, and INGOs, the conference . . . seeks to bring in a decidedly historical perspective on one of the defining processes of the twentieth century. Our aim is to explore how and why urban development policy established itself as a global policy field, what transformations it engineered on the ground, and how concepts and practices changed over time. We also seek to understand how urban development policies in the global South linked up with transnational urban movements such as the “Urban International” (Pierre-Yves Saunier) and what role urban administrations played.Scholars interested in participating in the conference are asked to send an abstract (200 to 400 words, in English) and a short curriculum vitae to and before March 18, 2018. In order to facilitate scholarly interchange, participants will circulate their papers before the conference, and will give only very brief oral summaries. Final papers will be available to conference participants only.
Inquiries can be made to the conveners at the e-mail addresses above. For a much fuller discussion of conference aims and topics, please see the full call for papers.