Every other year, the European Business History Association (EBHA) sponsors a Doctoral Summer School; the 2017 edition was held in Ancona, Italy in early September. Adam Nix has written a report about the meetings for the Organizational History Network blog. As he explains,
Keynote speakers were Franco Amatori (Bocconi University), Harold James (Princeton University), and Grietjie Verhoef (University of Johannesburg); faculty members were Marten Boon (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Ludovic Cailluet (EDHEC Business School), Andrea Colli (Bocconi University), Abe de Jong (Rotterdam School of Management), Jeffrey Fear (University of Glasgow), Andrea Schneider (Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte), and Ben Wubs (Erasmus University).
EBHA president Ludovic Cailluet emphasizes that the school is open to all nationalities, and he encourages North American students to apply when information about the 2019 session becomes available.
the school constitutes the EBHA’s main effort in their aim to develop the academic discipline of business history. The school seeks to attract talented junior historians and social scientists to the broad scope of business history, encouraging further study of the history of organizations, markets and the people impacted by them. The school, fundamentally international in nature, has developed a reputation for facilitating long lasting friendships within the field and providing a safe, friendly, but ultimately rigorous atmosphere within which to promote and engage with doctoral research.
EBHA president Ludovic Cailluet emphasizes that the school is open to all nationalities, and he encourages North American students to apply when information about the 2019 session becomes available.