The "Money, Power and Print" group will hold its eighth biennial colloquium in Siegen, Germany, on June 7-9, 2018. The group began as an association of scholars interested in interdisciplinary studies of contemporary attitudes toward the "financial revolution" in early-modern Britain, specifically the rise of banks, paper money, joint-stock corporations, stock markets, and public debt. Over time, its focus has gradually evolved and the interest now is on how those practices developed across early modern Europe.
According to the organizers of the colloquium:
Initial expressions of interest of 250 words or fewer are due no later than April 15, 2017. For more details, please consult the full call for papers.
According to the organizers of the colloquium:
Papers will be distributed in advance and presented in two-hour sessions at which all colloquium participants are present. Presenters will have five minutes to summarize their paper. The remainder of each session will be given over to questions and discussion, in which the goal is to enrich our mutual understanding by eliciting insights from all of the disciplines represented at the table. Authors are therefore expected to write for a non-specialist audience, avoiding jargon, making concepts from their own discipline readily accessible to all those present, seeking to identify areas of general interest, and focusing on questions on which scholars of various disciplines will have something to contribute. Graduate students and emerging scholars are particularly encouraged to submit proposals.