Jacob Weisdorf and Alfred Reckendrees, editors of the Scandinavian Economic History Review (SEHR), have announced the availability of a "virtual issue" on "Gender in Economic History." They have selected a number of articles published in SEHR over the last two decades to show how the discussion has developed over time and made the articles freely available on the SEHR website. The editors note,
They hope to encourage researchers to advance the field in new directions and to submit manuscripts dealing
with new approaches to gender in economic history to the journal.
[‘Gender’] seems widely underused and too narrowly used in economic history where the major focus is still on equal wages and participation of women in the labour market. Other aspects of ‘gender’, for example relating to entrepreneurial activity, to the business of sex, to ‘maleness’, to consumption or more generally to social life, which are heavily debated in cultural history and cultural studies, do not yet receive sufficient attention in economic and business history.