This year, the Business History Conference will be held virtually for the first time.
This new format presents us with both challenges and opportunities. The Emerging Scholars Committee usually runs networking events, such as a drinks reception and a breakfast. While we will miss seeing all of you in person this year, we hope to maintain some of these traditions in the new virtual format and to continue to provide a supportive space to network and meet other scholars.
We are launching a new mentoring scheme, which will provide participants at the virtual BHC with a valuable opportunity to gain advice and insight from more advanced scholars in the field on everything from completing a dissertation to finding research funding, navigating the academic job market to exploring possibilities for business historians beyond the academy.
If you would like to participate, please contact Victoria Barnes <>
We aim to begin the process of introducing mentors with mentees on the 17th February.
With best wishes,
Grace Ballor, Victoria Barnes, Jessica Burch, Valeria Giacomin, Sven Kube and Andrew McGee
The Emerging Scholar Committee
Por primera vez la BHC de 2021 se celebrarĆ” online. Este nuevo formato presenta tanto retos como oportunidades. El ComitĆ© de Investigadores Emergentes organiza eventos de networking en los congresos tales como una recepciĆ³n y un desayuno. Si bien echaremos de menos poder reunirnos en persona este aƱo, esperamos mantener algunas de nuestras tradiciones en el nuevo formato virtual. Confiamos en poder seguir proporcionando un espacio de apoyo a los investigadores y que estos puedan conocer a otros investigadores.
La BHC virtual es una valiosa oportunidad para iniciar contactos y conocer a acadĆ©micos mĆ”s avanzados en el campo. Hemos creado un programa dedicado sobre todo a doctorandos y a investigadores en el mercado de trabajo. Si desea participar, pĆ³ngase en contacto con Victoria Barnes <>
Nuestro objetivo es comenzar el proceso de introducciĆ³n de mentores el 17 de febrero.
Saludos cordiales,
Grace Ballor, Victoria Barnes, Jessica Burch, Valeria Giacomin, Sven Kube y Andrew McThe ComitƩ de Investigadores Emergentes