Louis Galambos National Fellowship in Business and Politics supports completion of exceptional dissertations for which the Hagley’s Library research materials constitute a significant source and that connect with the mission of the National Fellowship Program.
Like other National Fellows, the Galambos Fellow is paired with a senior scholar in the fellow’s field who will serve as a mentor and provide critical guidance during the year. The Fellow also participates in the fall and spring conferences and receives training on how to reach broader audiences.
The Galambos Fellow is expected to be in residence at Hagley for the fall and spring academic year. While in residence, the Fellow will receive an office, stack access, inter-library loan privileges, internet access, the opportunity to present a paper in Hagley’s seminar series, and use of Hagley’s accommodations for visiting scholars.
The Fellow receives a stipend of $25,000 for the year.
Application deadline is February 1, 2021.
More information here.