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Showing posts from December, 2020

MA studentships, MA Global and Regional History, Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg, Russia.

20 tuition-free international and domestic MA studentships, MA Global and Regional History, Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg, Russia. Rolling admissions, with an international tuition-free competition deadline on 1 February 2021. HSE St Petersburg invites domestic and international applicants to its new two-year, English-language MA ‘Global and Regional History’. Explore the vibrant field of global history through a regional focus on Russian, former Soviet, and Eurasian spaces, and an interdisciplinary unity of history and anthropology. The program’s core seminars in theory and methodology are complemented by a broad array of regional courses from the history of St Petersburg to that of personality cults of the 20th century, the Cold War, imperial crossroads in northern Eurasia, the Caucasus, Central, and Eastern Europe, the Arctic as well as on Russian/Soviet links with Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The program draws on the proximity and wealth of archives and museum colle...

New books Fall 2020

New Books || Fall 2020 [see pdf ] Send submissions to BHC editor  Paula de la Cruz-Fernández

CFP [in Spanish]: Cuadernos de Historia. Serie Economía y Sociedad

CFP: Cuadernos de Historia. Serie Economía y Sociedad  El comité editorial de la revista Cuadernos de Historia. Serie Economía y Sociedad convoca a investigadores en el área de historia argentina y latinoamericana a enviar contribuciones originales para los números 26 y 27 a publicarse en julio y diciembre de 2021 respectivamente. Desde 1997, Cuadernos de Historia. Serie Economía y Sociedad se publica semestralmente desde el Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Esta revista es de acceso abierto.  Las propuestas serán sometidas a referato externo, doble-ciego, y pueden estar escritas en español, portugués o inglés.  En esta convocatoria la revista recibe tres tipos de contribuciones para su consideración: - Convocatoria general de manuscritos originales sobre cualquier tema relativo al campo de la historia argentina y latinoamericana. - Dossier: Propuestas para una sección especial bajo un coo...

Call for Applications: NEH-Hagley Fellowship on Business, Culture, and Society

The NEH-Hagley Fellowship on Business, Culture, and Society supports residencies at the Hagley Library in Wilmington, Delaware for junior and senior scholars whose projects make use of Hagley’s substantial research collections. Scholars must have completed all requirements for their doctoral degrees by the February 15 application deadline. In accordance with NEH requirements, these fellowships are restricted to United States citizens or to foreign nationals who have been living in the United States for at least three years. These fellowships are made possible by support from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Fellowships may be four to twelve months in length, and will provide a monthly stipend of $5000 and complimentary lodging in housing on Hagley’s property. Hagley also will provide supplemental funds for local off-site accommodations to NEH fellowship recipients who can make a compelling case that special circumstance (e.g. disability or family needs) would make it impossi...

Fellowships opportunity: Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry

The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry at the Science History Institute offers fellowships on an annual cycle for scholars whose research would benefit from the use of our collections. About 20 fellowships are given out annually, making the Beckman Center the largest private fellowship program in the historical study of science, technology, and medicine in the United States. Researchers travel from all over the world to use our collections and take part in a vibrant scholarly community. Our materials range chronologically from the 15th century to the present and include over 6,000 rare books, significant archival holdings, oral histories, scientific instruments and artifacts, thousands of images and other graphic media, memorabilia, and a substantial fine art collection, supplemented by over 100,000 modern primary-source volumes and journals. Within the collections there are many areas of special interest to historians of art, business and labor, and the environment, as well ...

Call for Applications: Louis Galambos National Fellowship in Business and Politics

LOUIS GALAMBOS NATIONAL FELLOWSHIP IN BUSINESS AND POLITICS Louis Galambos National Fellowship in Business and Politics supports completion of exceptional dissertations for which the Hagley’s Library research materials constitute a significant source and that connect with the mission of the National Fellowship Program. Like other National Fellows, the Galambos Fellow is paired with a senior scholar in the fellow’s field who will serve as a mentor and provide critical guidance during the year. The Fellow also participates in the fall and spring conferences and receives training on how to reach broader audiences. The Galambos Fellow is expected to be in residence at Hagley for the fall and spring academic year. While in residence, the Fellow will receive an office, stack access, inter-library loan privileges, internet access, the opportunity to present a paper in Hagley’s seminar series, and use of Hagley’s accommodations for visiting scholars.  The Fellow receives a stipend of $25,0...

Job vacancies in corporate archives

Kaiser Permanente Enterprise Historian - Communications Consultant Scanning/Digitization Archivist - LAC Group Manager, Archival Processing at Estée Lauder 

Opportunity for early-career historians: International Seminar "New perspectives on mid-twentieth century Spain (1931-1959)"4 JUNE 2021

International Seminar: New perspectives on mid-twentieth century Spain (1931-1959), 4 JUNE 2021 Seminario Internacional: Nuevas perspectivas sobre la España de mediados del siglo XX (1931-1959), 4 JUNIO 2021  The difficult months of the global pandemic have stopped many academic congresses and seminars, limiting possibilities for joint discussion and reflection, vital for ongoing research for early career historians. As a result, the University of Leeds and the University of Granada, in association with their respective departments of modern History, are organising an online international seminar on 4 June 2021 on the history of modern Spain in the mid-20th century. The objective is to create a space for debate and Exchange of ideas, where doctoral students (or those recently graduated) can present their most recent research, and discover research in other universities.   We welcome all proposals, regardless of focus or methodological specialism provided they fit, broadly...

Call for proposals for Special Issue: New Approaches to Music and Sound

The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Special Issue: New Approaches to Music and Sound Guest Editors: David Suisman and Rebecca Tinio McKenna If new book series and journal special issues are any indication, over the last decade, there has been a surge of interest in the musical and sonic worlds of the past. Scholars of music, sound studies, disability studies, transnational and postcolonial studies, cultural history, history of the senses, and others have been expanding our historical understanding of soundscapes, music cultures, aurality, acoustics, and other aspects of the work sound does in the world. New scholarship is connecting music and sound with politics and social movements, capitalism and commerce, the formation of racial, gender, and class identity and difference, the history of technology and of natural environments, and more. For historians of music and sound in the U.S. context, the Gilded Age and Progressive Era is an especially important period. The years...

Happening today: Virtual seminar "Capitalism and the COVID-19 Crisis"

We are pleased to announce the Histories of Global Capitalism Forum (HGCF) at the University of Maryland, College Park. The Forum provides a space for conversations about new research in the history of capitalism, bringing together emerging and established scholars with a strongly global focus. Building on strengths in several departments and schools (history, business, economics, and public policy), we invite colleagues and friends from the University, the wider Washington, DC region, and beyond to join us in an annual series of talks in varying formats. Our inaugural event, an interdisciplinary panel discussion on “Capitalism and the COVID-19 Crisis,” will take place virtually on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 3.30 PM.  Click here to register Please contact co-organizers Mircea Raianu ( ) or David Sicilia ( ) with any questions.  We look forward to seeing you...

Virtual seminar [in Spanish]: Balance de los estudios de la historia empresarial en América Latina

[Announcement from H-Mexico, the UNAM announcements list ] El Colegio de México (CEH), la UNAM (FE, FFyL, IIH) y el Instituto Mora invitan a la comunidad de historiadores y colegas de disciplinas afines a la  sesión virtual ciento veintitrés del Seminario Interinstitucional de Historia Económica Mesa Redonda: Ponente: Araceli Almaraz (Colef) “Balance de los estudios de la historia empresarial en América Latina” Comentaristas: Mario Cerutti (UANL) y Javier Vidal (Universidad de Alicante) Moderador: Carlos Marichal (Colmex)  Fecha: Lunes 7 de diciembre de 2020 a las 16:00 horas Lugar: Sala virtual a través de El Colegio de México Las personas interesadas en recibir el texto que servirá de base a la presentación y el vínculo para ingresar a la sesión virtual podrán solicitarlo a la co-coordinadora del SIHE (Isabel Avella Alaminos, ) Visita nuestro sitio:

Virtual seminar: Capitalism and the COVID-19 Crisis

We are pleased to announce the Histories of Global Capitalism Forum (HGCF) at the University of Maryland, College Park. The Forum provides a space for conversations about new research in the history of capitalism, bringing together emerging and established scholars with a strongly global focus. Building on strengths in several departments and schools (history, business, economics, and public policy), we invite colleagues and friends from the University, the wider Washington, DC region, and beyond to join us in an annual series of talks in varying formats. Our inaugural event, an interdisciplinary panel discussion on “Capitalism and the COVID-19 Crisis,” will take place virtually on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 3.30 PM.  Click here to register Please contact co-organizers Mircea Raianu ( ) or David Sicilia ( ) with any questions.  We look forward to seeing you virtu...

Over the Counter No.55

 Over the Counter no. 55 [ download PDF ] To post on The Exchange contact BHC Editor Paula de la Cruz-Fernández