The editors of the Scandinavian Economic History Review have issued a call for papers for a special issue on "The quest for competitive markets: exploring competition and collusion in theory and practice in historical perspective."
According to the guest editors, Susanna Fellman (Gothenburg University & University of Helsinki) and Martin Shanahan (University of South Australia, Adelaide),
According to the guest editors, Susanna Fellman (Gothenburg University & University of Helsinki) and Martin Shanahan (University of South Australia, Adelaide),
the core focus will be to address questions concerning the connections between the legal/regulatory environment and company and/or cartel behaviour. The approach of the individual contributions can differ in methodology, and can have either a micro and/or a macro perspective, but each contribution should be profoundly historical in approach and should address the interaction and/or interdependence between the regulatory environment and cartel/firm behaviour.The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2018. Potential contributors are encouraged to contact either of the guest editors, Susanna Fellman ( or Martin Shanahan (, to discuss their topics and approach in advance of the deadline. Please consult the full call for papers for additional information.