The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) will hold its 2017 annual meeting on October 26-29 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The preliminary program is now available. In addition to the large number of sessions on the history of technology around the world, the BHC has a special round table (S11), "The BHC at SHOT: Beyond Firms and Machines"; organizers: Xaq Frohlich, Auburn University, Erik Rau, Hagley Museum and Library, and Jonathan Coopersmith, Texas A&M); participants: Hyungsub Choi, Seoul National University; Barbara Hahn, Texas Tech; Richard John, Columbia University; Philip Scranton, Rutgers University; Lee Vinsel, Virginia Tech; and JoAnne Yates, MIT.
Another session of particular interest is S30, "Ideologies of Industrialization in the Early American Republic," with Merritt Roe Smith as chair and commentator. There will also be a presidential round table in honor of the late Ann Johnson (F12).
For information about registration and other details, please consult the SHOT annual meeting website.
Another session of particular interest is S30, "Ideologies of Industrialization in the Early American Republic," with Merritt Roe Smith as chair and commentator. There will also be a presidential round table in honor of the late Ann Johnson (F12).
For information about registration and other details, please consult the SHOT annual meeting website.