The Journal of Historical Sociology has issued a call for papers for a special issue on "Capitalist Transitions, Empire Building, and American History." The editor writes:
In addition to full papers of 7,000-8,000 words, shorter more specific pieces or review essays may also be considered. Authors must follow the Journal of Historical Sociology author guidelines, which may be found on the journal website. For a more complete discussion of appropriate articles, please see the full call for papers.
Inquiries (including discussing potential paper topics before writing a formal proposal) and proposals, including a 300-word abstract, should be addressed the special issue editor James Parisot at The deadline for proposals is October 1, 2017.
there continues to be much confusion over what capitalism is in general, how to define it, and its role in American history. On a broader level this raises a series of questions going back to Marx and Weber, among others, over the transition to (or transitions to) capitalism and the uniqueness of capitalism as opposed to other historical social forms.The purpose of this special issue is to explore this problematic through the lens of the history of American capitalist development and empire building.
Inquiries (including discussing potential paper topics before writing a formal proposal) and proposals, including a 300-word abstract, should be addressed the special issue editor James Parisot at The deadline for proposals is October 1, 2017.