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CFP: Paper Development Workshop, June 2015

[Please note that  this workshop is taking place immediately before the joint BHC/EBHA meeting in Miami and at the same location; those accepted for the workshop are welcome to register for and attend that meeting, but this workshop is organized separately under different auspices. Those interested in applying for the Paper Development Workshop should contact the organizers listed below, not the BHC or EBHA.]

A Paper Development Workshop (PDW) will be held on Wednesday, June 24, 2015, from noon to 5 p.m., at the Hyatt Regency Miami in MIami, Florida.
     In recent years, both business historians and entrepreneurship scholars have grown increasingly interested in the promise of using historical sources, methods and reasoning in entrepreneurship research. History, it has been argued, can be valuable in addressing a number of limitations in traditional approaches to studying entrepreneurship, including in accounting for contexts and institutions, in understanding the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic change, in providing multi-level perspectives on the entrepreneurial process and in situating entrepreneurial behavior and cognition within the flow of time. Support for historical research on entrepreneurship has grown, with both leading entrepreneurship researchers calling for the use of historical perspectives and with Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal announcing a call for papers for a special issue devoted to history and entrepreneurship.
     The purpose of this workshop is to provide scholars with developmental feedback on work-in-progress related to historical approaches to entrepreneurship and strategy, broadly construed. Our aim is support the development of historical research on entrepreneurship for publication in leading journals, including for the special issue of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. In addition to providing feedback and suggestions for specific topics, the workshop will address the commonly faced challenges of writing for a double-audience of historians and entrepreneurship/management scholars, engaging entrepreneurship theory and constructs, and identifying the most valuable historical sources and methods in studying entrepreneurial phenomena.
     We welcome work-in-progress at all stages of development. Interested scholars may submit two types of submissions for discussion: full research papers (8,000 to 12,000 words) or paper ideas (1,000 to 3,000 words). Those interested in participating should submit an initial abstract of max. 300 words and a one-page CV before March 1, 2015, to Christina Lubinski ( and Dan Wadhwani ( Invitations to the PDW will be sent out before March 20, 2015. Full paper (8,000 to 12,000 words) and paper idea (1,000 to 3,000 words) submissions will be expected by May 15, 2015. Please feel free to contact the organizers with your paper ideas if you are interested in early feedback or want to inquire about the fit of your idea with this PDW.
Individual and institutional support
The workshop and broader project are an initiative of the Copenhagen Business School’s Centre for Business History and Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy in collaboration with scholars and institutions throughout Europe and North America. We are grateful for financial support from the Entrepreneurship Platform and the Rethinking History in Business Schools Initiative at CBS. A fuller explanation of the overall project can be found here.

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