The 2015 EABH (European Association for Banking and Financial History) conference will take place on May 15 in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted by the Czech National Bank and in cooperation with the Czech Banking Association. The theme of the meeting will be "Inflation: Does It Still Matter Today?" The conference will focus on the history of inflation, ranging from the Roman Empire to modern times. According to the organizers:
Please consult the detailed call for papers for an extended discussion of possible topics. Proposals should be sent, no later than December 31, 2014, to:
Inflation is one of the biggest challenges for any country. If price levels rise all across the economy, nations can be threatened by impoverishment. Thirty years after the development of global disinflation (which occurred in the 1980s), does inflation still matter? Recent global developments challenge policy-makers. Does current US monetary policy bring dangers of inflation back to the global economy? Or is the contrary a greater concern: Is the Eurozone well on its way toward deflation? . . . The conference will focus on the history of inflation, ranging from the Roman Empire to modern times. The organizers want to look at what is new about inflation. Can historical instances of inflation provide tools for understanding modern developments? Should present day monetary authorities and decision takers be aware of these lessons as they cope with the challenges of the global economy?