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Recent and Forthcoming Books of Interest: Spring Edition

A sampling of recent and forthcoming books of interest in business and economic history:
Aaron D. Anderson, Builders of a New South: Merchants, Capital, and the Remaking of Natchez, 1865-1914 (University Press of Mississippi, January 2013)
Victoria Binda, The Dynamics of Big Business: Structure, Strategy, and Impact in Italy and Spain (Routledge, March 2013)
David Blanke and David Steigerwald, A Destiny of Choice? New Directions in American Consumer History (Lexington Books, February 2013)
Giovanni Dosi and Louis Galambos, eds., The Third Industrial Revolution in Global Business (Cambridge University Press, May 2013)
David Farber, Everybody Ought To Be Rich: The Life and Times of John J. Raskob, Capitalist (Oxford University Press, May 2013)
Paloma Fernández Pérez, La profesionalización de las empresas familiares (LID, February 2013)
Charles Geisst, Beggar Thy Neighbor: A History of Usury and Debt (University of Pennsylvania Press, February 2013)
Miguel A. Lopez-Morell, The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812-1941 (Ashgate, April 2013)
Christina Lubinski, Jeffrey Fear, and Paloma Fernández Pérez, eds., Family Multinationals: Entrepreneurship, Governance, and Pathways to Internationalization (Routledge, May 2013)
Lars Maischak, German Merchants in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic (Cambridge University Press, April 2013)
Scott P. Marler, The Merchants' Capital: New Orleans and the Political Economy of the Nineteenth-Century South (Cambridge University Press, April 2013)
Timothy Minchin, Empty Mills: The Fight against Imports and the Decline of the U.S. Textile Industry (Rowman & Littlefield, December 2012)
Susan Nance, Entertaining Elephants: Animal Agency and the Business of the American Circus (Johns Hopkins University Press, January 2013)
Susie J. Pak, Gentlemen Bankers: The World of J. P. Morgan (Harvard University Press, May 2013)
Joseph A. Pratt and William E. Hale, Exxon: Transforming Energy, 1973-2005 (University of Texas Press, May 2013)
Philip Scranton and Patrick Fridenson, Reimagining Business History (Johns Hopkins University Press, February 2013)
Donald R. Stabile and Andrew F. Kozak, Markets, Planning, and the Moral Economy: Business Cycles in the Progressive Era and New Deal (Edward Elgar, January 2013)
David Sunderland, Financing the Raj: The City of London and Colonial India, 1858-1940 (Boydell Press, February 2013)
Richard H. Timberlake, Constitutional Money: A Review of the Supreme Court's Monetary Decisions (Cambridge University Press, February 2013)
Janice Traflet, A Nation of Small Shareholders: Marketing Wall Street after World War II (Johns Hopkins University Press (April 2013)

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