Bethany Moreton of the University of Georgia has won the Frederick Jackson Turner Prize of the Organization of American Historians for her book, To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise. Professor Moreton was a member of the local arrangements committee for the 2010 BHC meeting in Athens, Georgia.
Dear subscribers to The Exchange: I am happy to announce that our blog is moving platforms. For almost a decade, the Business History Conference has used Blogger to publish and archive posts. However, in early 2021, the blogging site announced that their email serving service would be terminated. In addition, we noticed that many of our subscribers had stopped receiving the blog’s emails, and our subscription provides very limited reporting. In agreement, the Electronic Media Oversight Committee , web administrator Shane Hamilton, and web editor Paula de la Cruz-Fernández decided to move our web blog from Blogger to our website . We now write to you to request that if you wish to continue receiving announcements from the BHC, please subscribe here: Interested people will be asked to log into their BHC’s account or open one, free. If you have questions, please email The Business History Conference <web-admin [at]>...