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Showing posts from January, 2020

Over the Counter No.51

This is the first issue of Over the Counter of 2020! As before, this post contains newly published academic journal issues, business and economic history related readings, and recently aired podcast episodes. Do not hesitate to contact the editor for contributions to this post or other publications of interest. New issues in academic journals The Economic History Review published a review of periodical literature published in 2018 that might be of interest to many. It is accessible here . The current issue of the journal (Vol. 73 Issue 1) is available here . Enterprise & Society 's latest issue came up last December ( Vol. 20 Issue 4 ). It contains 2018-2019 BHC president's address "“The Nature of the Firm”—and the Eternal Life of the Brand" was delivered in Cartagena, Colombia. Business History Review 's issue on New Perspectives in Regulatory History was published at the end of last year. The table of contents is available here . Busines...

Call for Proposals: Hagley Conference; Capitalism and the Senses

  Capitalism and the Senses A Hagley Museum and Library Conference, on Friday, November 6, 2020 Wilmington, Delaware Deadline for proposals is May 1, 2020 This conference will explore the sensory history of capitalism—the ways that seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching have shaped, and been shaped by, capitalism over the longue durée, from the early modern era to the present. From the stench of the stockyards to the saccharine sounds of Muzak, everyday sensory environments have been made and remade by capitalism, and as portals through which we take in knowledge of the world, the senses have been subject to manipulation, exploitation, and commodification. If, as Karl Marx contended in 1844, the senses have a history, then that history is intertwined with the development of capitalism, which has drawn on the embodied power of the senses and, in turn, influenced how sensory experience has changed over time. We are interested in original, unpublished, and histo...

Call for papers: Photography Collections of Financial Companies

Photography Collections of Financial Companies II eabh in cooperation with National Bank of Greece date: 12 June 2020 deadline to submit proposals: 15 February 2020 location: National Bank of Greece, 82 & 93 Eolou Street, 10551 Athens, Greece Call for Papers This workshop wants to put the spotlight on the photography collections of not exclusively, but mainly financial corporations. It is the continuation of a workshop on the same topic that took place in cooperation with ING in 2011. Photography collections of corporations are often broad and extensive but very little explored for marketing, research and digital access. This archival workshop aims to discover the contents, importance and use of corporate photography collections of (financial) organisations: Where are these - often extensive - collections? How are they used? Which is their use and marketing value for institutors themselves? Which is their...

Call for Papers: The International Monetary Fund in Europe: Interventions in Developed Countries (Past and Present)

The International Monetary Fund in Europe: Interventions in Developed Countries (Past and Present) in Lisbon, Portugal – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, University of Lisbon; 15-16 October 2020 Deadline for proposals is May 18th, 2020 Since the 1980s that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has specialised in interventions in developing countries. But that was not the typical situation in the previous 40 years of existence of the organisation. From 1945 to the 1980s the IMF signed Stand-by arrangements with both developing and developed countries and conducted sometimes quite large adjustment programmes in the latter (such as those in Italy and the UK in 1977). Those interventions were much lighter in terms of conditionality than what became common after the 1980s: their main purpose was to give quick support to countries facing balance of payments crises in order to help them keep the par value of their exchange rates within the context of the Bretton Woods system. As this...

#BHCCharlotte Book Auction

#BHCCharlotte Book Auction If you have a recently published book or you are the editor of a journal in a field related to business history, please contact your publisher and urge them to participate in our free Book and Journals Exhibit. Direct them to the information available on the BHC Meeting webpage, specifically to the page of information for publishers at . A large number of publishers participate in the BHC exhibit each year, but smaller presses often do not plan to display their wares unless they are contacted by an author. Also, though publishers tend to display only new titles, they are usually willing to include any item still in print, especially for authors who will be in attendance at the meeting. We do an e-mailing to exhibit managers of publishers with large business history lists, but the display of a particular title may require direct intervention by authors. Particularly if your book is a recent paperback, ...
Fifth edition of the VIU Summer School on Responsible Capitalism: Micro and Macro-institutional Conditions of Transformation (June 16-20, 2020) Deadline for applications is February 28 The summer school on Responsible Capitalism is an initiative of VIU in cooperation with the two member universities Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and University of Lausanne . It aims at the development of ideas that promote a more sustainable future by bringing together young scholars from all over the world to discuss their ideas on the future of Capitalism from the microlevel of individual decision-making to the organizational and the societal level. It gives participants the opportunity to discuss with eminent scholars in management theory and to test their ideas and present their work. Participants will be made familiar with recent research from a broad set of disciplines. They will work on their ability to engage in the transdisciplinary discourse which is required for the developm...

Call for Papers: Finance & Migration Conference

Finance & Migration Conference eabh in cooperation with National Bank of Greece Date: June 11th, 2020 at the National Bank of Greece,  82 & 93 Eolou Street; 10551, Athens, Greece Deadline for proposals is February 15, 2020 This conference will look at the relationship between the financial sector and migration - taking a comparative historical view. It’s impossible to look at human history without acknowledging continuous migratory flows and mass movements with the rise and fall of empires and nations. We are interested in  scholarly work on how these movements of people were financed during chaotic times and  how these migrants were integrated into the financial systems of the country of their  arrival. Which is the spectrum of agency between private networks, state responsibility and the banks in between? Considering the excellent archival sources of the National Bank of Greece, the case of Greece after the end of the Ottoman Empire and...

Call for Proposals for the AHA's 135th Annual Meeting

The 135th Annual Meeting, to be held in Seattle on January 7-11, 2021 Call for papers deadline is February 15th, 2020 The AHA's annual meeting is the largest yearly gathering of historians in the United States. All historians are welcome and encouraged to submit proposals. The AHA also invites historically focused proposals from colleagues in related disciplines and from AHA affiliated societies. The Program Committee will consider all proposals that advance the study, teaching, and public presentation of history. The Association seeks submissions on the histories of all places, periods, people, and topics; on the uses of diverse sources and methods, including digital history; and on theory and the uses of history itself in a wide variety of venues. We invite proposals for sessions in a variety of formats and encourage lively interaction among presenters and with the audience. Session Proposals Sessions last for 90 minutes. Most sessions will be limited to four spea...

Call for proposals: V Jornadas de Historia Económica 2020

The call for individual papers for the 5th meeting of the Asociación Mexicana de Historia Económica (AMHE) and the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, “Alfonso Vélez Pliego”, of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla closes on February 15th. For more information on the CFP, click here  or email .

2020 Business History Conference travel grants

If you are attending the Business History Conference annual meeting this year, to be held in Charlotte, March 12th-14th, 2020 , and you are a graduate student or a postdoctoral scholar , consider applying to the conference's travel grants before the end of the month: The Alfred D. Chandler Jr. Travel Grants ; If you wish to apply for a Chandler Travel Grant please write to Secretary-Treasurer Andrew Popp at , setting at your affiliation, an estimate of your travel costs, and any other funding you may be expecting to receive. Presenters who earned their PhD within the last three years of the meeting are reminded of the Postdoctoral Travel to Meeting Grants . Please note that priority is given to those not in tenure-track positions, with particularly heavy teaching duties, and/or without access to other sources of institutional funding. Again, please apply by writing to Secretary-Treasurer Andrew Popp at , setting outran estimate of your travel costs ...

Call for applications (different deadlines): EHA grants and fellowships

EHA grants and fellowships   The following programs are for individuals who have not received their Ph.D. degree: 1) Graduate Dissertation Fellowships: Students with approved topics and making progress towards completion are eligible for Dissertation Fellowships.  Students at early stages of dissertation development are not eligible for fellowship support.  Funds awarded during this application cycle are intended to provide support during the 2020-21 academic year. Applicants must be members of the Association, and dissertation fellowships are not renewable. There are three different types of dissertation fellowships, with names reflecting the source of funding for the fellowship.  An applicant files a single application to be considered for all three types and can receive at most one fellowship. The three types of awards are the following: EHA Graduate Fellowships ($10,000). Cambridge University Press Dissert...

New position available (closing soon): Labor Economics Librarian, Princeton University Library

Labor Economics Librarian Princeton University Library Application review will begin January 15th [Requisition No: D-20-LIB-00003] Princeton University Library (PUL) seeks an energetic, creative librarian to provide outstanding research assistance and collection development for faculty, students and researchers in labor economics and industrial relations, and to act as liaison to the Industrial Relations (IR) Section of the Economics Department. Reporting to the Assistant University Librarian for Research Services, the Labor Economics (LE) Librarian is part of the social sciences team. This position supports faculty, visiting scholars, students and staff in economics, public policy, politics and related fields, providing consultations, workshops, course-based instruction, outreach and online guides. Core responsibilities include research consultation for undergraduates (particularly for independent research requirements in 3rd and 4th years) and for graduate students. R...

Call for Papers (one week left): The 45th Annual Economic and Business History Society (EBHS)

Atlanta, May 28-30, 2020 Deadline for proposals: January 15th The Economic and Business History Society (EBHS) is now accepting proposals for our 45th Annual Conference, to be held from May 28 to 30, 2020, at the Sheraton Atlanta, in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. Call for Papers is open until January 15, 2020. Our general theme is Economic and Business History at the Crossroads . Here we would encourage reflections on ‘crossroads’, as sign of cultural and commercial interchange, geographic meeting places, exchanges and entrepots, and temporal and historical moments of divergence and contingency. However, individual proposals for presentations on any aspect of economic, business, or financial history are welcome, as are proposals for whole panels. We also encourage submissions from graduate students and non-academic affiliates. The Program Chair will send a notification of acceptance of abstracts by February 1, 2020. Online registration will be available soon after at www.ebhs...

Call for Papers: Economic History Association Annual Meeting

Economic History Association Annual Meeting  September 10-13, 2020 The Lessons of Economic History” Call for Papers, Posters, and Dissertations EHA President Hugh Rockoff chose this year’s theme, “The Lessons of Economic History,” recalling the Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana who famously told us: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This aphorism crystallizes one of the principal missions of economic history. We study the past so that we can determine which policies are likely to work in the future, including which monetary and fiscal policies produce macroeconomic stability, which forms of social insurance protect human welfare, and which patent laws spur innovation. Not all economic historians study past policy interventions directly. Some create data sets or examine chains of causation that contribute indirectly to the mission of discovering which policies work. The program committee would like to honor Professor Rockoff ...

WEHC 2021 - Second call for Sessions

XIX World Economic History Congress - Paris 2nd call for sessions closes on June 30, 2020 The 19th World Congress in Paris will be held in Paris on July 25-30 2021 . The Congress will address “resources” as one of the main challenges of the contemporary world. The Congress will consider sessions on all the categories of resources, that is natural, material, immaterial and human (work and skill): water, air, energy, food products, raw materials, labour, capital, patents etc. The panel will address the discovery, management and limitation of these resources, the impact their use has on territorial and social organizations as well as their significances in individuals’ eyes up for the world community at large. To submit a session proposal you need to login below and will then be able to submit your proposal in a file. You'll have to give the name(s) of the organizer(s) and their institutional affiliation, a title for the session, and the preferred duration (single session of ...

Happy 2020

From  The Exchange ,  We Wish You  All the Best for 2020! New York, New York. Blowing horns on Bleeker Street on New Year's Day, by photographer Collins, Marjory, 1912-1985, taken in 1943