This is the first issue of Over the Counter of 2020! As before, this post contains newly published academic journal issues, business and economic history related readings, and recently aired podcast episodes. Do not hesitate to contact the editor for contributions to this post or other publications of interest. New issues in academic journals The Economic History Review published a review of periodical literature published in 2018 that might be of interest to many. It is accessible here . The current issue of the journal (Vol. 73 Issue 1) is available here . Enterprise & Society 's latest issue came up last December ( Vol. 20 Issue 4 ). It contains 2018-2019 BHC president's address "“The Nature of the Firm”—and the Eternal Life of the Brand" was delivered in Cartagena, Colombia. Business History Review 's issue on New Perspectives in Regulatory History was published at the end of last year. The table of contents is available here . Busines...
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